This is why when my friends told me about anonymous online dating and hookup dating, I really can’t believe them. On the one hand, it struck me as really fantastic. On the other, there’s a part of me that wish that it was true. Because, let’s face it, most guys are like me. Most guys are shy. They’d rather not crawl out of their shell. They would rather take care of the preliminary steps of dating which is figuring out your interest, looking for people that you may be automatically interested in on a physical level.
That’s precisely what online dating does. You just login and you plug into some database and the system will try to find the match for you. In fact, there are so many that the numbers work in your favor. This is true even if you convert at a rate of one in a hundred.
All these stuff made sense in my mind, but there’s still a part of me that just refused to believe. Sure enough, my ex-girlfriend left me and one week turned into one month and one month turned into six months and I couldn’t stand it anymore. I needed female contact and I got sick and tired of just hanging out at singles bars and dance clubs and failing to score. It’s not like I’m just looking for random pussy. I want diversity. I want variety in the women that I meet.
So, after much thought and after a few bottles of beer, I got online and joined several adult dating sites like https://www.sexmatch.net/ . I’m going to tell you right now the first few sites that I joined were bogus, seriously. They’re like sausage factories and there’s just so many guys there. However, I struck gold with the fifth website I joined. It really blew my mind that there were all these real women there. These are women that carry on real conversations.
I know this might shock a lot of guys because there’s a lot of websites out there that use software and automated systems to make it seem like you’re conversing with a real flesh-and-blood human being. I was lucky. This website that I joined features real women and they were eager women. The best part is I didn’t have to deal with any of the bullshit that I normally do with offline dating.